Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ted talk 5

1.  Who was the presenter? mar roth 

2.  What is the title of the talk?   suspended animation is within our grasp

3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  the art of shutting down life processes and then starting them up again,It's wild stuff, but it's not science fiction,careful use of an otherwise toxic gas.

4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk? i thought this talk couldve been better but some of the things he said was pretty useful, and i thought that he talked to much about things that could happen but most likely wont happen.and the toxic waste could be taken care of just wont be.

5.  In what way did this talk change you? it really didnt change me it kinda made me not wantto watch this video.

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