Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ted talk 3

1.  Who was the presenter? ken robinson 

2.  What is the title of the talk?   how to escape educations death valley.

3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  crucial for the human mind to flourish, and how current education culture works against them, how to nurture our youngest generations with a climate of possibility.

4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk?  i thought that it is good for some people to let there mind flourish, and my thought is that education culture really doesnt let kids explain whats going on and kids really cant keep up with todays education system, and that to nuture kids brains and memory is to let them produce more on them selves rather then throw lessons at them andsaying there you go.

5.  In what way did this talk change you? it changed me by thinking about really getting stuff together and really looking at my self and saying you can do this.

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