Tuesday, September 23, 2014

little red hen

1. so the little red hen could eat the bread
2. because they didn't want to work all they wanted was the benefits
3.because she will not do any work by her self and didn't want anyone else to have her bread if she made it all.
4.stealing the bread is just going behind the little red hens back and getting the bread, and taking the bread is when you are not permitted to taking the bread.

Monday, September 22, 2014

roles in the classroom

1. My role is to learn how to be efficient in Photoshop and help others who don't know how to use Photoshop.

2. I can pay attention and when others are not I will help them out with what they need.

3. Mr. Larsen's role is to teach us the priorities and use of media productions

4. He can teach and go through the steps you need to take so you can get a good grade.

5. I am a visual learner so I need to see how to do these steps or have someone talk me through the steps so I can do the projects right.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

border post

today i learned how to put two videos into one screen and them both play. by doing this it makes the videos more appeling.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

role of america

the role of the united states is to really bring peace around the world, and to stop fighting and keep everyone in control of there own country. the united states brings peace and democracy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

alice and cat

Alice has this real problem of not knowing where she is going and wants the cat to find out which way she is going.
my path is to pass school and graduate then go to lineman collage which is in Texas or Idaho. one of these schools would be great to go to, when i get out of lineman collage i would apply for a apprenticeship and if that goes through i would be working for a line company either in Arizona or out of state. If i was going to stay in Arizona i would be working for aps like my dad.
our choices in life will effect our lives in the long run because that could be the thing that stop you from reaching your goals in life. and the choices you make can effect others in life as well, your choices can get them and you in a lot of trouble.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

the thhree things about my self

the three thing i like about my self would have to be that i am fun i make everyone laugh everyone is smiling when they are around me. i am eventful i like to do things fun and unexpectedly. i love to have a good time and i don't like when people are mad so i make them laugh and have a good time.those are just some fun and interesting things about me and the things i like about myself.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

photoshop tutorial 1

i have learned how to take 3 images and make them into one image to make it look like they are all one image.

what is a principle

A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. a rule or belief governing one's personal behavior, a general scientific theorem or law that has numerous special applications across a wide field,
natural law forming the basis for the construction or working of a machine.

when i am making decisions the three things that guide me would have to be
  • is it a safe feeling or plan
  • will this plan help me or will it break me
  • and will this decision help in life in the long run